Begin your healthier lifestyle now, with our Weight Management Programs.

  • Tirzepatide

    An injectable that aids in weight loss when paired with a healthy lifestyle.

    $100 Consult Fee (non-refundable)


    3 mo. commitment required

  • Semaglutide

    An injectable that aids in weight loss when paired with a healthy lifestyle.

    $100 Consult Fee (non-refundable)


    3 mo. commitment required

If you have a BMI of over 27 (with comorbidities) or 30 (without)…then you may be a candidate for our Weight Loss Program.

*BMI Under 27 is not recommended for Tirzepatide or Semaglutide.

** 3 month commitment includes follow up appointments, medication and supplies. There are no refunds on weight loss as this is a prescription medication.